Glutathione Double Blind Study: Placebo controlled
For the meticulous researcher like me, a double blind study is the highest standard of clinical study there is. Actually, it has to be placebo controlled and crossover studied, too.
In this page:
A double blind study means that neither the researchers nor the individuals know who belongs to the control group and the experimental group. In this case, the experimental group is the group who took a glutathione supplement.
This eliminates the placebo effect or any bias on the part of the researchers, control and experimental group.
Placebo-controlled means there is a control group that is not taking the supplement.
Crossover design means that the individuals are randomly assigned to a sequence of treatments where they may be given the glutahione supplement or a placebo.
Luckily, there is a double blind placebo-controlled crossover clinical study on a glutathione supplement which makes it believable. As a result, this supplement has been patented and is now taken by thousands of users worldwide. That includes me!
The Study
The study composed of 27 persons, 18 male and 9 female. Their ages varied from 31 to 72 years old. The participants received either 3 capsules of the supplement twice daily or a placebo.
The study started for 2 months. Then a 14-day washout period was observed. Then, a crossover was made. (meaning those previously given the supplement were assigned a placebo and vice versa).
The study continued for another 2 months. After which they were tested for intracellular glutathione, IGF1, TNF alpha and DHEA.
And the results are (drum roll please).......
- Intracellulular GSH increased by an average of 292%
- Body's DHEA** levels increased by an average of 46%
- Body's IGF-1** increased by an average of 40.8%
- Body's TNF* decreased by 37%
*TNF or Tumor Necrosis Alpha one is of the three most significant markers of cellular inflammation.
**DHEA and IGF-1 are markers related to levels of human growth hormone which is the indicator of true biological age. These markers decrease as we age.
This study was done by R.H. Keller,MD,MS,FACP,AAHIV and Director of Medicine and Research of the KBK Institute of Advanced Medicine.
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